Welcome to Really Poor: I wanted to call it ‘Very Poor’ but that was already taken. This blog will have one main objective: the survival of the very poor. Over the years, many of us have lived in various stages of poverty at some point in our lives. Suggestions, tips, saving money, defending oneself without status or money, recipes under $2, cost-free or low cost house repairs, etc will be offered in this blog: feel free to share ideas by posting them at the bottom of each entry.
Poor does not mean ‘ignorant’ nor incompetent. Many people live simply and poor out of choice, because they choose to do right, or for their faith, for environmental reasons, etc. Whether one lives poor by choice or by circumstances, this blog will provide non-governmental ways both to tolerate dire times, and to get out of poverty without wild-eyed scheming and illegal means.
Many things in life that people for which some pay a great deal of money, can be compensated for or found very inexpensively with the correct know-how. We recently received an estimate for bathroom remodeling of 3-4000 dollars, far beyond our budget on a tiny home. We did an acceptable job for under $200. There was a time though, when we lived in even more oppressive circumstances: we did not save money for remodeling, we pinched pennies for dinner. Though I hold an advanced degree, trying circumstances can often place people at unexpected places in life. I first learned how to cope with advice from some old-timers who had been raised in the hills of Ohio who were neighbors who taught me how to make ultra-scratch biscuits, hunt wild onions and garlic, and use substitutes for everything in recipes and still have edible filling food. We learned how to homeschool for under $50 a YEAR-my children now grown were dean’s list all through college. I used sewing skills from school days to make and repair garments and learned the art of perusing thrift stores for perfect shape and even new name brand clothing.
Faith was the substance unseen: the meadow with reverie. Emily Dickinson once wrote:
To make a meadow it takes a bee
A bee, and reverie
Reverie alone will do when bees are few.
A bee, and reverie
Reverie alone will do when bees are few.
Little by little I will teach about bees, reverie, and getting by in 21st century life, with almost nothing, so that one can live a righteous life and sing no one’s song but their own.
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